Auction Summary

Market Report for the week of August 30th 2024
Heifers Steers
Lexington Livestock Mkt,LLC 605 $260.00 699 $258.00
300 Plum Creek Blvd 776 $236.00 833 $236.00
Lexington NE 68850 795 $236.00 876 $237.50
* 817 $244.75 913 $239.00
* 850 $227.00 978 $233.00
Schedul 870 $229.85 1029 $218.50
879 $232.50 1033 $228.75
880 $232.00
888 $229.60
901 $228.25
901 $228.25
1949 926 $230.00
    930 $230.00
    935 $231.00
Slaughter Cows 1002 $220.50
High Yield $143.00-$152.50 1004 $219.50
Med Yield $130.00-$142.50
Low Yield $110.00-$128.50
Slaughter Bulls
High Yield $134.00-$164.00
Low Yield